How To Open Large CSV File (2GB, 4GB, 8GB, 12GB, 50GB)

A CSV (comma-separated values) file is commonly used for data processing, data interchange and as a standard format for exchanging data between different systems or software applications.

CSV format file uses plain text to store tabular data such as a spreadsheet or a database. While CSV files use commas or other delimiters, such as semicolons or tabs to separate values, the number of rows a csv file can hold is 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns.

The basic structure of a csv file is simple:

Each line represents a row and the values within each row are separated by commas. The first line often contains the column headers, providing a label for each column. All csv files are saved with .csv (example: PatientRecord.csv)

When trying to open csv file over maximum number of rows(1,048,576 rows) a csv spreadsheet can hold, a pop box will appear letting you know rows after 1,048,576 will not be loaded.

After you click OK, you can move to the last row (Ctrl + Down Arrow) and see that the worksheet is filled to the last row.

For Data Analysis purpose, you can save large csv file as a text(.txt) file. Then open csv file by opening an excel spreadsheet.  

Take a look at images below:

Click File -> Open -> Browse -> Select File -> Open ->  

To Open CSV Files above 5GB size, use these tools:

    1.Liquid XML studio

        Liquid XML Studio is a tool designed for working with XML and related technologies. It provides tools and features to assist developers in creating, editing, and validating XML documents.

        2. Gigasheet

        Gigasheet is a cloud-based tool in that helps data users analyze enormous varying data sets without complications. Gigasheet can display as a big data spreadsheet.

        In summary, there are other tools used to open large excel files. This post focused mainly on large CSV files greater than 5GB. Another method to open or view large csv files is to split into multiple files. You can use tools like Free Huge CSV Splitter,  CSV Splitter and so on.